Tanecia simmons

Tanecia Simmons (1)

Hello, I'm Tanecia Simmons

Tanecia Simmons is a graduate of Talladega College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Computer Science, Auburn University, with a Master of Science degree in Computer Science and Software Engineering, and Missouri S&T with a Master of Science degree in Systems Engineering. She resides in Huntsville, AL, where she has lived for the past 17 years.

A war is waging in our health and wellness at every sea and every shore.

It is time we take a stand and do what it takes to get healthy one step, one day at a time. When the birth of a nation is attacked, you attack the nation as a whole.

Here's How I Can Help You


5 Simple Ways To Live A Happier Life

Ready to take your health, wellness, and mindset to the next level? Apply today to radically transform your life from the inside out.


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The wait is over

Time to Stop Waiting and Start Living