Tanecia Simmons https://www.taneciasimmons.com/ Life & Wellness Coach Thu, 03 Aug 2023 06:38:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://i0.wp.com/www.taneciasimmons.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/cropped-Tanecia-Logo.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Tanecia Simmons https://www.taneciasimmons.com/ 32 32 217133064 How To Create A Productive Peaceful Month https://www.taneciasimmons.com/how-to-create-a-productive-peaceful-month/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-create-a-productive-peaceful-month Tue, 01 Aug 2023 09:05:00 +0000 https://kinsley.pixandhue.com//?p=4553 The beginning of a new month is always such an exhilarating moment, but also a dreaded reminder that I did not accomplish half the task on my last month’s to-do list. Since then, I have set up systems to take the chaos out of the month so I can be super productive without the guilt […]

The post How To Create A Productive Peaceful Month appeared first on Tanecia Simmons.

The beginning of a new month is always such an exhilarating moment, but also a dreaded reminder that I did not accomplish half the task on my last month’s to-do list.

Since then, I have set up systems to take the chaos out of the month so I can be super productive without the guilt of reviewing my last month’s calendar to see I have accomplished little.

These six things will help you stay organized and ultra-productive so that you’re excited about your previous months’ growth at the end of the month. 

Set Spiritual Goals At The Beginning Of The Month

As long as I breathe, I will live in communion with God.

And at the beginning of each month ( more like each day ), I like to overlook to see where I could have grown, whether it is intellectually or emotionally.

As time and busy schedules overwhelm us, it is natural to pull away from God and focus all your energy on building and sustaining that self-sufficient relationship without God.

To leverage your relationship with God, it’s super important to sit down and ask God for tips and tricks on growing and flourishing in your walk and obedience to him.


Set Life Goals At The Beginning Of The Month


Set realistic and measurable goals for your life at the beginning of each month.

Each month represents another opportunity to scale and aim higher in your personal life and professionally.

Jot down some of the things you would like to accomplish within this month and set applicable steps you must need to achieve those goals.

Family: As a busy entrepreneur, it’s sometimes natural to push your family and relationships to the back of your life while you scale your business.

And throughout this journey, I have had plenty of months where I am nose deep into planning content and booking coaching sessions that I overlook my family.

Setting goals and creating that space for your family will keep you from being a slave to your job.

Health: Set up a fitness + health routine for the month.

As we dive back into our routine, getting back on a health and fitness schedule will keep you strong and healthy.


Create A Self Care Routine


Each month you should crave and create time to decompress.

Not only is it vital for your business (or corporate America job), but it’s vital for your sanity.

Add days that you would like to focus on yourself to watch Netflix or enjoy life without the hustle and bustle.


Learn Something New- Improve A Skill Set


Each month allows you to learn a new technique or invest in something to help grow you or your brand. Ultimately, this will elevate stagnation within your personal or business life.

  • Want to learn a new marketing strategy- do it!
  • Want to build financial freedom- Read about it!
  • Want to learn a new trade- enroll in it!


             Income Goal- Budget At The Beginning Of The Month

Besides hitting your goal, it’s essential at the beginning of each month, you gather your monthly expenses, such as

  • Bill Expense
  • Grocery Expense
  •  Business Expense

You set yourself up for success when you’re ahead of your finances. 


Reflect— On Previous Month’s Hiccups



The game’s name is “Growth” now; at taneciasimmons.com, I pride myself on introducing slow and steady growth.

And each month allows you to improve and grow in areas that could have been more successful last month.

Overlook areas within your life that could use some improvement, and jot down a few applicable steps you must take to get there and what you must rid yourself of to make strides to your ultimate destination.


Now it’s time to start your month with ease and confidence!

These little tasks will make your month smoother and take the chaos out of your day.

Comment on what you do at the beginning of each month.


The post How To Create A Productive Peaceful Month appeared first on Tanecia Simmons.

Overcoming Your Comfort Zone https://www.taneciasimmons.com/new-journal-prompts/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=new-journal-prompts Wed, 28 Jun 2023 09:04:00 +0000 https://kinsley.pixandhue.com//?p=4551 A comfort zone is the space we get in that causes us to feel good. It is also a lazy space that can keep us stuck or think we are stuck. It can also keep us in a place of thinking. It is truly a keep-out zone. It is masked with laziness. It is the […]

The post Overcoming Your Comfort Zone appeared first on Tanecia Simmons.

A comfort zone is the space we get in that causes us to feel good. It is also a lazy space that can keep us stuck or think we are stuck.

It can also keep us in a place of thinking. It is truly a keep-out zone. It is masked with laziness. It is the place that has the yellow tape around it that says do not enter.

It is the place where trauma, hurt and pain and heartache, and depression lives. Comfort can be defined as a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary.

But what can comfort truly and physically resemble? Comfort can resemble being overweight. Comfort can resemble being reclusive. Comfort can resemble depression. Sometimes the place’s comfort keeps us in a place or situation for too long.

The post Overcoming Your Comfort Zone appeared first on Tanecia Simmons.

5 Simple Ways To Live A Happier Life https://www.taneciasimmons.com/5-simple-ways-to-live-a-happier-life/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=5-simple-ways-to-live-a-happier-life Fri, 25 Jun 2021 09:04:48 +0000 https://kinsley.pixandhue.com//?p=4549 If you’re reading this, you might struggle to create simple ways to live happier lives. Am I right? If you’re saying yes, that’s me, don’t feel ashamed. Two years ago, I allowed my negative thoughts and insecurities to storyline my whole life, making me unhappy and frustrated. Need help to figure out where to turn on and how […]

The post 5 Simple Ways To Live A Happier Life appeared first on Tanecia Simmons.

If you’re reading this, you might struggle to create simple ways to live happier lives.

Am I right?

If you’re saying yes, that’s me, don’t feel ashamed. Two years ago, I allowed my negative thoughts and insecurities to storyline my whole life, making me unhappy and frustrated.

Need help to figure out where to turn on and how to break the cycles I created.

I devised a simple strategic, actionable plan to help me envision the happier life I wanted.

And you are here because you ultimately want the same thing for yourself.

Good thing you landed on this blog: Today, I want to share 5 simple ways to live a happier life starting today!




How often do you wake up and instantly grab your phone to check social media?

Listen, I get it!

I was that person, but I realized that when I stopped to show God gratitude for waking me up for that day, I became happier.

Why, you ask?

Because I paused myself enough to ask God to help me with my TODAY.

Every morning, I would ask God to guide my day and show me how to become a happier person; over time, it worked!

Include God at the beginning of your day, and he shall crown your day with peace, ultimately making you much happier!

Here’s what to do instead to ensure you’re setting yourself up to live a happy life- follow my morning routine.






How do you handle disappointments?

Do you allow it to crush your whole spirit where you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel?

When searching for a happier life, you must not allow discouragement and disappointments to crush you or your joy.

Process your disappointment to regain your strength and happiness at the end of the day.

I know it sounds impossible.

But, it’s effortless- try using a thought map technique to help you process your feelings at the end of the session of you dumping your mind into your thought map.

Leave it there.

Refrain from carrying it into your next day!

It sounds extreme, but it works wonders!

BONUS TIP: If you’re struggling, try including a daily gratitude journal to help take your mind off your disappointments and more on what you have accomplished, leaving me with my next point.




Sounds so easy yet tricky; how do we let go of things hindering our happiness?

Let go of things that are too big to solve in one day.

Many of us do not understand the power of letting go of things outside our control.

First, it starts by acknowledging this situation is too big for you to figure out alone, and next, it begins by you surrendering it to God.

Your happiness and peace of mind are more critical than whatever is weighing your down.




Life has many beautiful moments, but sometimes what’s stopping us from creating that happiness or accepting that happiness is our pessimistic outlook on life.

Here’s what to do instead; if you have a cynical attitude, remember life is always greener wherever it is watered!

Water the positive instead of always looking for the negative.

As time progress, that negative thinking will fade, and you will see that wherever positivity is watered, so shall your happiness be.





The no days off movement is very harmful to the body.

Even God rested after creating the world, so what makes us exempt from resting?

This tip may not seem like a significant factor in happiness, but when I decided to relax and listen to my body, I could live a happier life.

When you take no days off, your body works on fumes; I speak from existence.

I spent many years busy, not giving myself the proper time to rest.


The effects it had on me were always damaging!

Not only is it bad for your body, but your work performance will suffer.

You will hit a brick wall.

Listen to your body.

When your body says it needs rest- treat it to that!

You will always have to complete the task the next day with brand-new, refreshed eyes!

Take time off to enjoy your flowers while you can still smell them.

Spend time with your family and your spouse!

They will be grateful for the many missed opportunities to spend quality time with you.

Now it’s your time; how are you creating a happier life?


The post 5 Simple Ways To Live A Happier Life appeared first on Tanecia Simmons.
